
Welcome to the GHMS music department. Our music program has been set up so that students may participate in all the ensembles without any conflicts with other music courses. All groups perform in at least two concerts a year.

To see our 2021-22 Music Schedule, please click here: Music Schedule 2021-2022

Students may participate in the Concert Choir, Vocal Jazz, Concert Band 6, Concert Band 7 and 8, Jazz Band, Beginner Strings, or Advanced Strings.

To register for Band and/or Strings classes, please click here:

Students who would like to join Choir will be registering in person with our Choir Teacher, Mrs. Meadows, during Choir practice.

It is the goal of the Gordon Head Middle School Music Department that each student will:

  • develop a lifelong appreciation for the value of music in life
  • become the most proficient musician and performer that he/she is personally capable of
  • develop a wide range of musical tastes through exposure to as many different musical styles and ideas as possible
  • develop a strong sense of self-discipline, self-motivation and an inner drive for excellence
  • gain the self-confidence to know that almost any goal can be achieved and any obstacle overcome through talent, hard work and time
  • through their social relationships within music, develop lifelong memories and friendships
  • be able to view music as an experience that had a positive effect on their life for years to come