Ever wonder who organizes the fundraising activities that GHMS PAC provides? Busy parents like you! GHMS PAC sponsors fun events for the Gordon Head Middle School community, such as: the annual social on “Meet the Teacher” Night, a BINGO Night, a Pancake Breakfast and other special activities throughout the year. The PAC uses money raised throughout the year to purchase items for the school. Y ou can find a copy of our budget on the PAC page.
Donation Drive
At the beginning of each year, the PAC has a Donation Drive. The funds support ‘extras’ beneficial for our students, programs, and events to enhance their school experience and additional learning opportunities.
Results of past surveys have indicated that parents would like the option of making a donation at the beginning of the year to satisfy their portion of the fundraising efforts. One of the benefits of this type of donation is that for donations of $20 or more, you can request a receipt for income tax deduction! 100% of the funds go directly to your PAC.
We appreciate your support and any and all donations of any amount are gratefully accepted! (Suggested donations are $50/student or $75/family.) Parents may donate to the school at any time during the school year.
Thrifty Food Smile Cards and Fairway Grocery Cards
You can receive a card by contacting the fundraising coordinator ghmspac@gmail.com or calling the school office. Grocery card programs allow us to raise up to $2000 for a special purpose at the school. Whenever you shop at any Thrifty Foods or Fairway stores, be sure to use your GHMS PAC grocery card. It works just like a re-loadable gift card. Add money to the reusable card at the cashier or customer service desk before you buy your groceries at Thrifty Foods or Fairway and the school will receive 5% of every dollar you add to the card throughout the entire school year.
PAC Lunch Program
Sign up for various all inclusive lunches to be delivered to your child in their advisory class 4 times a month. Here is the link to our new program: https://gordonhead.hotlunches.net/ Please see the parent information guide for how to use the system.
All proceeds support the PAC initiatives.